Saturday, June 1, 2013

Apes Get Emotional Over Games Of Chance


In a recent study, it was found apes pout and throw temper tantrums if they fail in doing a risk-taking task. In there task, the apes were faced with two decisions. They were to either wait for a much larger reward or try the task at hand and if they succeed, they can risk what they won for a bigger prize. The researchers found that the apes showed emotion for every outcome, be it happy, sad, angry or satisfied. The study also found that chimpanzees were much more patients than bonobos. So, the researchers concluded that apes do exhibit emotional responses to decision-making, but further studies need to be done in order to see if these responses impact their decisions in the future.

NOS Themes:

  • Science is based on evidence
  • Science is collaborative
  • Role of motivation and curiousity
  • Role of chance
Article Link:

Jack Nermyr


  1. This article is pretty fascinating. I always thought chimpanzees were very notorious creatures, mostly because they belong to the primate group.I found learning that they are very patient animals as really interesting. Its also amazing because of how much effort they are putting into solving a complex situation.

    I found this website about chimpanzees and their behavior. Emotions of chimpanzees are included and studied by scientists such as Dr. Jane Goodall:

    Dr. Jane Goodall studies chimpanzee behavior and reflects on how similar they are to humans and how intelligent chimpanzees are.

  2. This is a great article that is a major breakthrough in the animal behavior. I found another article has found similar results in 2009. In their studies apes have shown a wide variety of emotions including grief and empathy.

  3. Your article shows one way how a chimpanzee's behavior is like a human's behavior. The chimpanzees got happy, sad, angry, or satisfied because of the outcome just like humans. This article shows more ways how chimpanzees behave like humans, like how the young learn from adults.

  4. I found an article that explains that many animals are empathetic. The examples are quite astonishing and really make animals seem human. Apparently, elephant have similar funeral rituals. They cover dead elephants with leaves and come back later to visit the burial site.

  5. This is cool to hear how Apes respond to an outcome whether it is bad or good! I also found an article that lists and explains similarities between the ape behaviors and human behaviors. There was an experiment conducted to test behavioral similarities, and concluded that apes behavior is very similar to humans.

  6. I found this post to be very interesting so I found a similar article on monkey emotions:
    Monkeys have social groups: friends and enemies. They greave over deaths as well as having a mother's love. They also get stressed like us humans. This article shows how emotionally similar monkeys are to humans.
