Monday, June 3, 2013

New One-Step Process for Designer Bacteria

Researchers at the University of Adelaide have discovered a new one-step process for DNA replication. The call this process "Clonetegration." As we all know, you can use bacteria to produce several substances that are hard to get otherwise by inserting the required gene(s) into its chromosome. The bacteria will then start producing the substance as if it was made to do it all along. The current process, however, is very inefficient and could take several days to complete the process, and is also a bit more expensive. The new method could complete the process overnight, and can be put into the organism multiple times allowing for increased production. Due to the fact that this is still in development, the researchers have yet to release the process out to the public, which is rather unfortunate.

NOS themes

-Motivation and Curiosity for advancement
-Scientific Collaboration

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